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  • For B.Com, M.Com & B.B.A, M.B.A Courses of Various Universities
  • Seventh Revised and Updated Edition 2021
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    G.S.T (Goods and Services Tax) & Customs Duty Book:

    The GST roll-out on July 1, 2017, evidenced the stepping stone toward accomplishing a goal of ‘One Nation–One Tax–One Market’. It has subsumed many indirect taxes, both at the Centre and State level. GST is expected to boost the GDP in the long run and contain tax evasion. The registration of a large number of assessees under GST will facilitate the effective implementation of GST thereby realizing benefits of uniformity of taxes, seamless credit to reducing the cascading effect. It follows a multi-stage collection mechanism where tax is collected at every stage and the credit of tax paid at the previous stage is available as a set off at the next stage of the transaction. To ensure a smooth transition, the government and all related nodal agencies like Goods and Services Tax Council, GSTN, etc. have been regularly taking decisions to resolve the issues being faced at various levels and coming out with FAQs.

    The unique features of the book are that the amendments made by the 40th G.S.T. Council on 12-06-2020 have been included in the book and Numerical Questions with solutions have been given. Several charts have been included in the book for an easy and quick study of the subject. Provisions of T.D.S. and T.C.S. enforced w.e.f. October 1, 2018, has been included in the book.

    The book is very well structured. The book starts with a brief summary tracing the manner in which GST has been introduced in India.

    We are sure, the manner in which the book has been compiled in simple language by giving references of rules and notifications will enhance its value and shall be an easy reference guide for the students and others who are interested in GST.

    The idea is to provide a handbook to readers for easy and quick reference of GST and Customs Law.

    About the G.S.T (Goods and Services Tax) & Customs Duty Book:

    • The law stated in this book is amended up to June 2021.
    • Most authentic, up-to-date, and comprehensive textbook on GST and Customs Duty.
    • The book covers all topics of the syllabi of various universities for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
    • In the present revised edition almost all the chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated and a chapter on Payment and Refund of Tax (with TDS and TCS) has been completely rewritten.
    • At the end of each chapter large number of MCQ and Short Questions (Over 300 in number) with Ans. have been given which enable students to learn faster. This unique feature will serve as the backbone in understanding the whole chapter.
    • Law relating to GST and Customs Duty has been discussed thoroughly in easy language and in a lucid style.
    • Amendments in GST and Customs Duty made by the Finance Act, 2021 have been duly incorporated in the book.
    • The questions asked in recent university examinations have been incorporated into the book.
    • Every chapter contains a complete explanation of the topic with suitable examples and, where necessary, followed by graded solved illustrations and questions for practice with Ans.

    Good and Services Tax (G.S.T.) & Customs Duty Book Contents

    Good and Services Tax (G.S.T.)

    1. Indirect Taxes (An Introduction)
    2. Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.)
    3. Taxation Mechanism Under GST
    4. GST Council, GST Network, Anti-Profiteering Authority, Avoidance of Dual Control and Key Definitions
    5. Impact of GST On Trade, Manufacture, Services, Etc
    6. Supply: Meaning, Time, and Valuation
    7. Place of Supply
    8. Levy and Collection of GST
    9. Registration
    10. Input Tax Credit (ITC)
    11. Composition Scheme and Reverse Charge Mechanism
    12. Computation of Taxable Value and GST
    13. Job Work, E-Commerce, and Supply of Online Data
    14. E-Way Billing
    15. Returns
    16. Payment and Refund of Tax (With TDS and TCS)
    17. Invoice and Accounts
    18. Assessment and Audit
    19. Demand and Recovery Under GST
    20. GST Administration, Powers of The officers, Penalties and Prosecution and Compounding of offenses
    21. Appeal, Revision, and Advance Ruling Authority
    22. GST and Technology

    Customs Duty

    1. Introduction
    2. Customs Duty (Important Definitions)
    3. Valuation Rules for Customs Duty
    4. Computation of Assessable Value and Calculation of Customs Duty
    5. Baggage, Postal Articles, and Stores Rules
    6. Import Procedure and Documents
    7. Export Procedure and Documents

    The post (G.S.T.) Goods and Services Tax & Customs Duty appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

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