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  • For B.Com Sem III of Lucknow University
  • Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged Edition : 2022
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    This Information Systems and E-Business book have been designed specially to meet the need of students of B.Com IIIrd Semester of Lucknow University.

    It serves as a textbook with very simple and elaborative language with a number of examples, pictures, diagrams, and tables. This will make the concepts more understandable, easy to learn and remember. As per guidelines, only Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will be asked in the exam. Keeping this, additional facts about almost all topics of the syllabus have been given. It will help readers to attempt Multiple Choice Questions of various levels. Very large numbers of solved Multiple Choice Questions have been given at the end of each chapter. This will provide a lot of practice for the exam.

    Information Systems and E-Business Syllabus For B.Com Semester IIIrd of Lucknow University.

    Unit I: Introduction to Computer systems, elements of a Computer System, types of Computers and their features, input, output, and storage devices, types of software, networking and Internet, types of networks and networking devices, methods of Internet access, services available through the Internet, business applications and benefits of computerization and the Internet.

    Unit II: Introduction to Information Systems, business applications, and its benefits, functional and cross-functional Information Systems : Transaction Processing Systems, Electronic Data Interchange, On-Line Analytical Processing, Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Executive Information Systems, Executive Support Systems, Enterprise applications, Supply Chain Management Systems, Customer Relationship Management Systems.

    Unit III: Concept of Database and Database Management System centralized and distributed Database Systems, Planning, and designing of Information Systems: System Flow Charts, traditional System Development Life Cycle, modern System Development Methods, Implementing Information Systems as planned organizational change.

    Unit IV: Concept of E-commerce, Digital Markets and Digital Goods, advantages and disadvantages of transacting online, types of E-commerce and M-commerce, E-commerce business models, e-payment systems, digital signatures.

    Information Systems and E-Business Book Contents

    1. Introduction to Computer Systems 
    2. Input, Output and Storage Devices 
    3. Networking and Internet
    4. Introduction to Information Systems
    5. Concept Of Database and Database Management System
    6. E-Commerce

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    सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं व्यावसायिक संचार (Information Technology and Business Communication) Sun, 11 Aug 2019 08:42:53 +0000 प्रस्तुत सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं व्यावसायिक संचार Information Technology and Business Communication पुस्तक बी. काॅम. I के नवीन पाठ्यक्रमानुसार तैयार की गई है। सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं व्यावसायिक संचार विषय का तीव्र गति से विकास हो रहा है और इस विषय में नवीन प्रवृत्तियां प्रवेश कर रही हैं, जिनका सामान्य परिचय वाणिज्य के विद्यार्थियों को भी प्राप्त [...]

    The post सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं व्यावसायिक संचार (Information Technology and Business Communication) appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    प्रस्तुत सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं व्यावसायिक संचार Information Technology and Business Communication पुस्तक बी. काॅम. I के नवीन पाठ्यक्रमानुसार तैयार की गई है।

    सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं व्यावसायिक संचार विषय का तीव्र गति से विकास हो रहा है और इस विषय में नवीन प्रवृत्तियां प्रवेश कर रही हैं, जिनका सामान्य परिचय वाणिज्य के विद्यार्थियों को भी प्राप्त होना चाहिए। इस बात को दृष्टि में रखते हुए सभी अध्यायों में नवीन प्रवृत्तियों की यथास्थान स्पष्टता और आवश्यक विस्तार के साथ विवेचना की गई है। कुछ विषयों की विवेचना में विशेषकर व्यावसायिक सम्प्रेषण पर रेखाचित्र तथा नवीन सामग्री को सम्मिलित करके विषय को रोचक बनाने का प्रयास किया गया है।

    विद्यार्थी वर्ग की आवश्यकता को दृष्टि में रखते हुए विषय के स्तर को बनाए रखने के साथ-साथ समस्त विषय-सामग्री को एक ही स्थान पर संग्रहीत करने का प्रयास किया गया है। पुस्तक में विषय से सम्बन्धित सभी तथ्यों और विचारों को सरल भाषा में रोचक रूप में प्रस्तुत करने का प्रयास किया गया है।

    सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं व्यावसायिक संचार Information Technology and Business Communication Syllabus

    UNIT-I: Introduction: Meaning. Scope and Structure of information Technology: Local Area Network (LAN), World Area Network (WAN), World Wide Web (WWW) and Multimedia, etc.

    UNIT-II: Application of Information Technology in Business: Internet, Fax, e-mail, Video Conferencing, and presentation with power point.

    UNIT-III: Business Communication: Basic forms of communicating; Communication models and processes; Effective communication: Theories of communication; Audience analysis.

    UNIT-IV: Self-Development and Communication Development of Positive personal attitude; SWOT analysis; Vote’s model of interdependence; Whole communication.

    UNIT-V: Corporate Communication: Formal and Informal communication networks; Grapevine; Miscommunication (Barriers); improving communication. Practices in business communication; Group discussions; Mock interviews; Seminars; Effective Listening exercises; Individual and group presentations and reports writing, Principles of Effective Communication.

    UNIT-VI: Writing skills: Planning business messages; Rewriting and editing; The first draft; Reconstructing the final draft; Business letters and memo formats; Appearance request letters; Good news and bad news letters; Persuasive letters; Sales letters; Collection letters; Office memorandum.

    UNIT-VII: Report Writing: Introduction to a proposal, Short report and formal report, report preparation. Oral Presentation: Principles of oral presentation, factor affecting presentation, sales presentation, training presentation, conducting surveys, speeches to motivate,
    effective presentation skills.

    UNIT-VIII: Non-Verbal Aspects of Communicating: Body Language: Kinesics, Proxemics, Para Language. Effective listening: Principles of effective listening; Factors affecting listening exercises; Oral, written, and video sessions. Interviewing Skills: Appearing in interviews; Conducting interviews; Writing resume and letter of application International Communication: Cultural Sensitiveness and cultural context. Writing and presenting in international situations; Intercultural factors in interactions; Adapting to global business.

    सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं व्यावसायिक संचार Information Technology and Business Communication Book विषय-सूची

    सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी

    1. परिचय (अर्थ, क्षेत्र एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी की संरचना, लोकल एरिया नेटवर्क, वल्र्ड एरिया नेटवर्क, वल्र्ड वाइड वेब एवं मल्टीमीडिया)

    व्यावसायिक संचार

    1. व्यावसायिक संचार का परिचय (परिभाषा, अवधारणा, महत्व, प्रक्रिया एवं प्रतिपुष्टि)
    2. सम्प्रेषण के आधारभूत रूप
    3. सम्प्रेषण की विचारणाएं एवं माॅडल
    4. प्रभावी सम्पप्रेषण के सिद्धान्त
    5. आत्म-विकास एवं सम्प्रेषण
    6. सकारात्मक विकास का वैयक्तिक दृष्टिकोण
    7. स्वाॅट विश्लेषण
    8. व्यावसायिक संस्था का संचार तन्त्र: औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक
    9. सम्प्रेषण की बाधाएं एवं सुधार
    10. व्यवहार में व्यावसायिक संचार: सामूहिक परिचर्चा एवं विचारगोष्ठी
    11. प्रभावपूर्ण सुनना (प्रभावपूर्ण सुनने के सिद्धान्त एवं श्रवण को प्रभावित करने वाले घटक)
    12. मौखिक, लिखित संचार एवं मौखिक प्रस्तुतीकरण के सिद्धान्त
    13. श्रोता विश्लेषण
    14. लेखन कुशलता: व्यावसायिक पत्र
    15. पूछताछ, निर्ख, आदेश एवं पूर्ति सम्बन्धी पत्र
    16. व्यापारिक सन्दर्भ व साख एवं विक्रय सम्बन्धी पत्र
    17. तकादे के पत्र
    18. परिपत्र अथवा गश्ती पत्र
    19. अनुकूल एवं प्रतिकूल संवाद पत्र
    20. कार्यालय ज्ञापन
    21. शासकीय पत्र
    22. जीवनवृत्त-सारांश लेखन
    23. नौकरी के लिए आवेदन-पत्र
    24. रिपोर्ट लेखन
    25. मौखिक प्रस्तुति: प्रस्तुतीकरण को प्रभावित करने वाले घटक
    26. विक्रय प्रस्तुतीकरण, प्रशिक्षण प्रस्तुतीकरण, सर्वेक्षण विधि एवं प्रस्तुतीकरण कौशल
    27. भाषण
    28. अशाब्दिक संचार: दैहिक भाषा
    29. अशाब्दिक संचार: समय एवं पाश्र्व भाषा
    30. साक्षात्कार और बनावटी साक्षात्कार
    31. संचार के आधुनिक रूप
    32. भूमण्डलीय व्यापार में अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय संचार

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    Information Technology and Business Communication Thu, 08 Aug 2019 12:58:40 +0000 The Information Technology and Business Communication book has been published for the students pursuing B.Com. The unique feature of the book is that it covers each and every topic of the syllabus in simple language and lucid style. Communication is a subject which is attracting the attention of everyone involved in business and industry in [...]

    The post Information Technology and Business Communication appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    The Information Technology and Business Communication book has been published for the students pursuing B.Com.

    The unique feature of the book is that it covers each and every topic of the syllabus in simple language and lucid style. Communication is a subject which is attracting the attention of everyone involved in business and industry in one way or the other. There is manifest of growing desire to understand its meaning and scope, its process and the component and to learn to communicate effectively. This book is designed to meet this urge.

    The further highlights of the book are the simplicity of explanation combined with a style that ensures easy understanding. We in this book have tried to put the subject-matter in such a way that the students get the feeling of a live teacher is interacting with them. In fact, this book is a modest attempt to help young students for understanding this fascinating subject in a systematic manner with lucid exposition of its different facets but in a simple language. The approach has been to enable the students to express their ideas logically.

    Information Technology and Business Communication Syllabus 

    UNIT-I Introduction: Meaning. Scope and Structure of information Technology: Local Area Network (LAN), World Area Network (WAN), World Wide Web (WWW) and Multimedia, etc.

    UNIT-II Application of Information Technology in Business: Internet, Fax, e-mail, Video Conferencing, and presentation with powerpoint.

    UNIT-III Business Communication: Basic forms of communicating; Communication models and processes; Effective communication: Theories of communication; Audience analysis.

    UNIT-IV Self-Development and Communication Development of Positive personal attitude; SWOT analysis; Vote’s model of interdependence; Whole communication.

    UNIT-V Corporate Communication: Formal and Informal communication networks; Grapevine; Miscommunication (Barriers); improving communication. Practices in business communication; Group discussions; Mock interviews; Seminars; Effective Listening exercises; Individual and group presentations and reports writing, Principles of Effective Communication.

    UNIT-VI Writing skills: Planning business messages; Rewriting and editing; The first draft; Reconstructing the final draft; Business letters and memo formats; Appearance request letters; Good news and bad news letters; Persuasive letters; Sales letters; Collection letters; Office memorandum.

    UNIT-VII Report Writing: Introduction to a proposal, Short report and formal report, report preparation. Oral Presentation: Principles of oral presentation, factor affecting presentation, sales presentation, training presentation, conducting surveys, speeches to motivate,
    effective presentation skills.

    UNIT-VIII Non-Verbal Aspects of Communicating: Body Language: Kinesics, Proxemics, Para Language. Effective listening: Principles of effective listening; Factors affecting listening exercises; Oral, written, and video sessions. Interviewing Skills: Appearing in interviews; Conducting interviews; Writing resume and letter of application International Communication: Cultural Sensitiveness and cultural context. Writing and presenting in international situations; Intercultural factors in interactions; Adapting to global business.

    Information Technology and Business Communication Book Contents

    Information Technology

    1. Introduction (Meaning, Scope, and Structure of Information Technology, Local Area Network (LAN), World Area Network (WAN), Worldwide Web and Multimedia)

    Business Communication

    1. Business Communication (Definitions, Concept, Significance, Process, Models, and Feedback)
    2. Basic Forms of Communicating
    3. Principles of Effective Communication
    4. Theories of Communication
    5. SWOT Analysis and Self-Development
    6. Development of Positive Personal Attitudes
    7. Corporate Communication
    8. Formal and Informal Communication
    9. Miscommunication Barriers
    10. Practices In Business Communication
    11. Group Discussions
    12. Conferences and Seminars
    13. Effective Listening Principles of Effective Listening, Factors Affecting Listening Exercises
    14. Oral and Written Communication Including Video Session
    15. Audience Analysis and Feedback
    16. Writing Skills
    17. Business Letter
    18. Letters Regarding Enquiries, Quotations, and Orders
    19. Letters Regarding Trade Reference
    20. Letters of Complaint
    21. Office Memorandum
    22. Examples of Official Letters
    23. Writing Resume and Letter of Job Application
    24. Report Writing
    25. Oral Presentation
    26. Dunning, Sales and Circular Letters
    27. Non-Verbal Communication
    28. Interview Skills
    29. Modern Forms of Communicating
    30. International Communication for Global Business

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    Accounting & Financial Management Thu, 30 May 2019 07:55:56 +0000
  • For B.C.A. Classes of Devi Ahilya University
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    In the present complex business world, Accounting & Financial Management has become an integral part and useful tool of a management system. Keeping this importance in view the subject of Accounting & Financial Management has been included in B.C.A. curriculum and almost all universities have incorporated it as a compulsory subject.

    Accounting & Financial Management Book Contents

    1. Definition, Development, and Objectives of Accounting
    2. Basic Concepts, Principles, Postulates, and Conventions of Accounting
    3. Principles of Double Entry System
    4. Book of Original Record: Journal
    5. Ledger
    6. Books of Original Entries: Sub-Division of Journal
    7. Trial Balance
    8. Rectification of Errors
    9. Adjustments
    10. Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet
    11. Depreciation
    12. Bank Reconciliation Statement
    13. Bills of Exchange
    14. Valuation of Assets
    15. Financial Statements (Meaning, Objectives, and Components)
    16. Analysis of Financial Statements
    17. Accounting Ratio
    18. Cash Flow Statement
    19. Funds Flow Statement
    20. Cost Accounting: An Introduction
    21. Elements of Cost and Direct and Indirect Cost

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    सूचना तकनीकें एवं व्यापार में इसके निहितार्थ (Information Technology and Its Implication in Business) Tue, 24 Oct 2017 13:02:27 +0000
  • Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged Edition for B.Com. and M.B.A. Courses: 2020
  • The post सूचना तकनीकें एवं व्यापार में इसके निहितार्थ (Information Technology and Its Implication in Business) appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    सूचना तकनीकें एवं व्यापार में इसके निहितार्थ Information Technology and Its Implication in Business Book For 

    • B.Com IVth Semester of Sri Agrasen Kanya P.G. College Varanasi
    • B.Com III Year of Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University Bareilly, Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Siddharth University Kapilvastu, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University Agra, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Faizabad, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University Kanpur, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith Varanasi, Jananayak Chandrashekhar University Ballia, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Jaunpur, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Bastar University, Bilaspur University, Sarguja University.

    सूचना तकनीकें एवं व्यापार में इसके निहितार्थ Information Technology and Its Implication in Business Book विषय-सूची

    1. सूचना तकनीक की अवधारणा
    2. कम्प्यूटर के मूलतत्त्व
    3. डिजिटल कम्प्यूटर प्रणाली के कार्य
    4. कम्प्यूटर प्रोसेसिंग प्रणाली
    5. ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम
    6. कम्प्यूटर नेटवर्क
    7. वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग
    8. इलेक्ट्राॅनिक डाटा इन्टरचेन्ज
    9. इन्टरनेट की अवधारणा
    10. अंकेक्षण
    11. कम्प्यूटर प्रोग्राम
    12. ASCII Code

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    Internet & World Wide Web Programming Sun, 22 Oct 2017 08:39:36 +0000
  • For B.Com. Hons. Part III of Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Ruhelkhand University Bareilly, Bastar University (MJPRU), Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur(PRSU) 
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    Internet & World Wide Web Programming Book For B.Com. Hons. Part III of Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Ruhelkhand University Bareilly (MJPRU), Bastar University, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur (PRSU) 

    Internet is the largest, widest and complete as well as complex learning tool in the world. Through the Internet, we can find knowledge resources to study in any discipline, in which we can communicate quickly and effectively with others who are working in the same field. The information available on the web can assist us in fields like education, information system, sales and manufacturing, entertainment, home, personal management, banking, business, and commercial activities, insurance, etc. With the growing use of the Internet in all these activities, the technologies associated with it are also changing very rapidly. Those new technologies and application areas of the internet coming into existence have changed the overall scenario of the computer industry today. This situation is self-evident for the need for such a book.

    This book is about the different areas of study in the field of Internet and World Wide Web technology. It focuses mainly on basic concepts and ground rules of the Internet and Internet-enabled services, including web site designing, the security of data and search engines, etc. The main objective of this book is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all those important areas of these fields. It is written as a text of “Internet and World Wide Web” and based on the syllabus of B.Com. III of various universities in India.

    This book comprises five units. The first unit is on the mechanism of the Internet which deals with the basic concept of the Internet OSI reference model, mechanism of sending and receiving of data across the networks and e-mail. The next unit is dedicated to the various Internet-enabled services like e-mail, Usenet and Newsgroup, File Transfer Protocol, W3C, World Wide Web, and its associated topics. Unit three consists of basic and advanced concepts relating to designing Web Site, HTML and its versions, web browsing and some popular web browsers. Unit four focuses on the security of data and information; it deals with major issues related to the security of data. The last unit is related to search tools, their categories, functioning, features, and some popular search engines.

    Internet & World Wide Web Programming Syllabus For B.Com. Hons. Part III of Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Ruhelkhand University Bareilly (MJPRU), Bastar University, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur(PRSU) 

    Unit-I: The mechanism of the Internet: Distributed computing; Client-server computing; Internet Protocol; Protocol Stack; Open System Interconnection Reference Model (OSIRM) based on the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) (Application layer, presentation layer, Session layer, Transport layer, Network layer, Data link layer, and physical layer). TCP/IP protocol suite model; Mechanism of transmitting the message across the network and function of each layer; Processing of data at the destination; Mechanism to log on to the network; Mechanism of sending and receiving E-mail.

    Unit-II: Internet-Enabled Services; Electronic mail (E-mail); Usenet and newsgroup; File Transfer Protocol (FTP); Telnet; Finger; Internet Chat (IRC); Frequently asked questions (FAQ); The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – Origin and evolution; Standardising the Web; W3C members; W3C recommendations; Browsing and searching; Browsing and information retrieval; Exploring the World Wide Web; Architecture of World Wide Web; Hyperlink; Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP); AddressURL.

    Unit-III: Designing Web Site/Web Page: WW operations, Web standards, HTML – concept and version; Naming scheme for HTML Documents; HTML editor; Explanation of the structure of the homepage; Elements in HTML documents; XHTML, CSS, Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL);
    Tips for designing web pages. Web Browsing, Browser; Basic functions of web browsers; Browsers with advanced facility; Internet explorer; Netscape Navigator; Netscape Communicator.

    Unit-IV: Security of Data/Information: Security; Network Security; PINA factor privacy; integrity, non-repudiation, authentication; SSL; Encryption; Digital signature; Digital certificate; Server security; Fire-wall; Password; Biometrics; Payment security; Virus protection; Hacking.

    Unit-V: Search Engine/Directories: Directory; General features of the search engines; Approaches to website selection; Major search engines; Specialised search engines; Popular search engines/directories; Guidelines for effective searching; A general approach to searching.

    Internet & World Wide Web Programming Book Contents

    1. The Mechanism of the Internet
    2. Internet-Enabled Services
    3. Designing Web Site/Web Page
    4. Security of Data/Information
    5. Search Engine/Directories

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    व्यवसाय में कम्प्यूटर अनुप्रयोग (Computer Application in Business) Sat, 14 Oct 2017 10:32:04 +0000 व्यवसाय में कम्प्यूटर अनुप्रयोग (Computer Application in Business) Book For B.Com IIIrd Semester of Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University. B.Com (Hons.) IIIrd Semester of Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University. B.Com (Hons.) IVth Semester of Binod Bihari Mahato Koylanchal University, Jamshedpur Womens College, Kolhan University, Nilamber Pitamber University, Ranchi University, Sido Kanhu [...]

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    व्यवसाय में कम्प्यूटर अनुप्रयोग (Computer Application in Business) Book For

    • B.Com IIIrd Semester of Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University.
    • B.Com (Hons.) IIIrd Semester of Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University.
    • B.Com (Hons.) IVth Semester of Binod Bihari Mahato Koylanchal University, Jamshedpur Womens College, Kolhan University, Nilamber Pitamber University, Ranchi University, Sido Kanhu Murmu University, Kumaun University.
    • M.Com Ist Semester of Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Kolhan University.
    • M.Com IIIrd Semester of Sido Kanhu Murmu University.
    • M.Com IInd Year of Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University.

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    Fundamentals of E-Commerce Sat, 14 Oct 2017 06:09:15 +0000 For B.Com. and B.C.A. Courses

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    The post Fundamentals of E-Commerce appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

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    Information Technology and Its Application in Business Mon, 09 Oct 2017 12:38:02 +0000
  • Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged Edition for B.Com. and M.B.A. Courses: 2019
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    Information Technology and Its Application in Busines For 

    • B.Com IVth Semester of Sri Agrasen Kanya P.G. College Varanasi
    • B.Com III Year of Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University Bareilly, Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Siddharth University Kapilvastu, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University Agra, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Faizabad, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University Kanpur, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith Varanasi, Jananayak Chandrashekhar University Ballia, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Jaunpur, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Bastar University, Bilaspur University, Sarguja University.

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are defining essential tools for managing the business process, increasing office productivity and supporting the decision-making process in modern business management. The complete paradigm requires a new approach for the diffusion of Information management concepts to students through the simple and comprehensible presentation of the subject matter of this field. Considering this basic notion this book is designed.

    The main aim of writing this book is to provide an extended textbook to undergraduate students of Indian Universities. This book is also intended to cover the MBA course. The contents of this book are divided into twelve chapters covering various aspects of the syllabus of B.Com and MBA courses.

    It is supported by the exercises for lab works as and when required so that the reader can get practical experiences to develop a suitable level of expertise. Each chapter is supported with questions in the form of multiple-choice, short answer and long answer questions in accordance with the pattern of B.Com course of Indian Universities. Sufficient numbers of questions are provided to help the students for practice and self-evaluation.

    At the end of the book, a glossary is also provided as a ready reference for the terminologies related to the subject matters. It is followed by a set of model questions.

    As the field of Information Technology is vast and continuously evolving, it is very difficult the cover all subject matters. Due to this reason the scope is defined within the course curriculum as described earlier.

    Information Technology and Its Application in Business Book Contents

    1. Information Revolution and its Trends
    2. Information Technology: Potentials and Impacts
    3. Information and Data Processing
    4. Fundamentals of Computers
    5. Working of a Digital Computer System
    6. Computer Software
    7. Introduction to Computer Programming
    8. Data Transmission and Computer Network
    9. Computer-Based Business Application (Part-I)
    10. Computer-Based Business Application (Part-II)
    11. Internet: Concept and Potential
    12. EDI and E-Commerce
      ● ASCII Code
      ● Glossary

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