Taxation Archives - Sahitya Bhawan Publications Sahitya Bhawan Publications Sat, 24 Aug 2024 11:45:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Taxation Archives - Sahitya Bhawan Publications 32 32 Income Tax Law & Accounts Mon, 15 Feb 2021 09:09:35 +0000
  • For B.Com. Semester VI of Lucknow University
  • Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged 64th Edition for Assessment Year 2023-24
  • The post Income Tax Law & Accounts appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    About the Income Tax Law & Accounts Assessment Year 2023-24 Book

    • Largest Selling Book since 1964 and over the last 59 years of its existence, the book has established a reputation for itself as the most definitive work on the subject of income tax.
    • Even the last minute changes in the law have been incorporated in this revised edition of the book and as such it is the latest and most update book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2023-24. Further, the amendments made by the Finance Act, 2022 and the Finance Act, 2023, applicable for the Assessment Year 2023-24, have been incorporated in the book.
    • The present edition of the book has several unparalleled features which make it distinct from other available text books on Income Tax.
    • A simplified, systematic approach to the understanding of a complex subject written in a unique, simple and easy to understand language.
    • Each topic, after a theoretical exposition, is followed by illustrations to facilitate the students to master the practical application of Income Tax Law.
    • User-friendly examination-oriented style facilitating easy comprehension of each topic.
    • Solved Illustrations and Questions for exercise are largest in number in comparison to other books on income tax.
    • Unsurpassed for over 59 years. The book is trusted and relied upon for accuracy and reliability. Mistakeless printing on paper of superior quality at moderate price.
    • 650 Objective Questions with answers are included in the book.
    • At the end of each chapter, Short Answer, Objective Type and Short Numerical Questions have been added with answers.

    Income Tax Law & Accounts Syllabus For B.Com. Semester VI of Lucknow University

    Unit I: Basic Concepts: Income, agricultural income, casual income, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, Person. Tax evasion, avoidance, and tax planning. Basic of Charge; Scope of total income, residence and tax liability, income which does not form part of total income, deduction from Gross total income.

    Unit II: Head of the Income: Salaries; Income from house property; Profit and gains of business and profession. Capital gains; Income from other sources.

    Unit III: Deemed income: Aggregation of Income, Set-off and carry forward of losses; Tax Authorities; Assessment procedures.

    Unit IV: Computation of total income of an individual, H.U.F.

    Income Tax Law & Accounts Book Contents

    1. Income Tax: Introduction and Important Definitions
    2. Agricultural Income
    3. Residence and Tax Liability (Basis of Charge)
    4. Exemptions from Tax (Non-Taxable Income)
    5. Income from Salaries
    6. Income from Salaries (Retirement)
    7. Income from House Property
    8. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession
    9. Determination of Income of Certain Business or Profession on a Presumptive Basis
    10. Depreciation and Investment Allowance
    11. Capital Gains
    12. Income from Other Sources
    13. Clubbing of Incomes and  Aggregation of Incomes or Deemed Incomes
    14. Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses
    15. Deductions to be Made from Gross Total Income while Computing Total Income
    16. Computation of Total Income of Individuals
    17. Computation of Tax Liability of Individuals
    18. Rebate and Relief of Tax
    19. Income Tax Authorities
    20. Preparation and Filing of Return of Income
    21. Assessment Procedure
    22. Assessment of Hindu Undivided Families
    23. Tax Evasion, Avoidance, and Tax Planning
    • Objective Questions

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    आयकर विधान एवं लेखे [Income Tax Law & Accounts] Mon, 15 Feb 2021 08:43:15 +0000
  • For B.Com. Semester VI of Lucknow University
  • Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged 64th Edition for Assessment Year 2023-24
  • The post आयकर विधान एवं लेखे [Income Tax Law & Accounts] appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    आयकर विधान एवं लेखे Income Tax Law & Accounts पुस्तक के 64वां संशोधित संस्करण की प्रमुख विशेषताएं

    • अक्टूबर 2023 तक अद्यतन आय कर अधिनियम, 1961 के प्रावधानों की अत्यन्त सरल भाषा में प्रामाणिक एवं विस्तृत विवेचना |
    • पुस्तक के वर्तमान संस्करण को The Finance Act, 2023, के आधार पर पूर्णत: संशोधित किया गया है।
    • अक्टूबर 2023 तक निर्गत Circulars तथा Notifications का यथास्थान समावेश |
    • पुस्तक की अवदित्य विशेषता यह है की इसमें लगभग 650 वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नों का उत्तर सहित समावेश किया गया है |
    • अध्यायों के अन्त में सम्पूर्ण अध्याय का संक्षेप (Summary) तथा विभिन्न अध्यायों में अनेक नई तालिकाओं (Tables) का समावेश |
    • त्रुटिरहित सुन्दर एवं स्पष्ट मुद्रण
    • अन्य पुस्तकों की अपेक्षा सबसे अधिक हल सहित उदाहरण (Illustrations) तथा अभ्यासार्थ प्रश्न (Questions) उत्तर सहित
    • अभ्यासार्थ प्रश्नों के पूर्ण हल Practical Problems in Income Tax पुस्तक में दिए हुए हैं।
    • प्रत्येक अध्याय के अन्त में लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न, वैकल्पिक प्रश्न तथा लघु अंकीय प्रश्नों समावेश उत्तर सहित किया गया है।

    आयकर विधान एवं लेखे Income Tax Law & Accounts Syllabus For B.Com. Semester VI of Lucknow University

    Unit I: Basic Concepts: Income, agricultural income, casual income, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, Person. Tax evasion, avoidance, and tax planning. Basic of Charge; Scope of total income, residence and tax liability, income which does not form part of total income, deduction from Gross total income.

    Unit II: Head of the Income: Salaries; Income from house property; Profit and gains of business and profession. Capital gains; Income from other sources.

    Unit III: Deemed income: Aggregation of Income, Set-off and carry forward of losses; Tax Authorities; Assessment procedures.

    Unit IV: Computation of total income of an individual, H.U.F.

    आयकर विधान एवं लेखे Income Tax Law & Accounts Book विषय-सूची
    1. आयकर (विषय-प्रवेश तथा महत्वपूर्ण परिभाषाएं)
    2. कृषि आय
    3. निवास-स्थान तथा कर-दायित्व (प्रभार का आधार)
    4. कर से छूटें (गैर-करयोग्य आयें)
    5. वेतन से आय
    6. वेतन (अवकाश ग्रहण) से आय
    7. मकान-सम्पत्ति से आय
    8. व्यापार अथवा पेशे के लाभ एवं प्राप्तियां
    9. कतिपय व्यापार या पेशे की आय का अनुमानित आधार पर निर्धारण
    10. ह्रास एवं विनियोग भत्ता
    11. पूंजी लाभ
    12. अन्य साधनों से आय
    13. आय का मिलाना तथा आय का संकलन मानी गई आयें
    14. हानियों की पूर्ति एवं उन्हें आगे ले जाना
    15. कुल आय की गणना करने के लिए सकल कुल आय में से की जाने वाली कटौतियां
    16. व्यक्तियों की कुल आय की गणना
    17. व्यक्तियों के कर दायित्व की गणना
    18. कर में कटौती एवं राहत
    19. आयकर प्राधिकारी
    20. आय की विवरणी (रिटर्न) तैयार करना एवं दाखिल करना
    21. कर-निर्धारण की कार्यविधि
    22. हिन्दू अविभाजित परिवार का कर-निर्धारण
    23. कर वंचना, कर बचाव तथा कर नियोजन
    • वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न

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    आयकर विधि एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-24 (Income Tax Law & Practice A.Y 2023-24) Sat, 01 Aug 2020 06:39:22 +0000
  • झारखण्ड के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यायलों तथा (Autonomous) महाविद्यालयों के बी.कॉम. (ऑनर्स) सेमेस्टर III एवं हेमवती नन्दन बहुगुणा विश्वविद्यालय के बी.कॉम. सेमेस्टर III हेतु
  • अक्टूबर 2023 तक अद्यतन ‘आयकर’ पर एकमात्र प्रामाणिक पुस्तक
  • The post आयकर विधि एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-24 (Income Tax Law & Practice A.Y 2023-24) appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    Income Tax Law and Practice आयकर विधि एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-24 पुस्तक के 63वां संशोधित संस्करण की प्रमुख विशेषताएं :

    • अक्टूबर 2023 तक अद्यतन आय कर अधिनियम, 1961 के प्रावधानों की अत्यन्त सरल भाषा में प्रामाणिक एवं विस्तृत विवेचना
    • पुस्तक के वर्तमान संस्करण को The Finance Act, 2023, के आधार पर पूर्णत: संशोधित किया गया है।
    • कर निर्धारण वर्ष 2021-22 से प्रभावी वैकल्पिक कर-व्यवस्था (Alternate Tax Regime) पर एक नया अध्याय पुस्तक में सम्मिलित किया गया है |
    • अक्टूबर 2023 तक निर्गत Circulars तथा Notifications का यथास्थान समावेश |
    • अध्यायों के अन्त में सम्पूर्ण अध्याय का संक्षेप (Summary) तथा विभिन्न अध्यायों में अनेक नई तालिकाओं (Tables) का समावेश |
    • त्रुटिरहित सुन्दर एवं स्पष्ट मुद्रण
    • अन्य पुस्तकों की अपेक्षा सबसे अधिक हल सहित उदाहरण (Illustrations) तथा अभ्यासार्थ प्रश्न (Questions) उत्तर सहित
    • अभ्यासार्थ प्रश्नों के पूर्ण हल Practical Problems in Income Tax पुस्तक में दिए हुए हैं।
    • प्रत्येक अध्याय के अन्त में लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न, वैकल्पिक प्रश्न तथा लघु अंकीय प्रश्नों समावेश उत्तर सहित किया गया है।

    आयकर विधि एवं व्यवहार (Income Tax Law and Practice) Syllabus For B.Com (Hons.) IIIrd Semester of Various Universities of Jharkhand

    Ranchi University, Ranchi and Nilamber Pitamber University, Medininagar

    • Unit 1 : Basic concept : Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, maximum marginal rate of tax. Permanent Account Number (PAN), Residential status : Scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.
    • Unit 2 : Computation of income under different heads — Salaries, Income from house Property.
    • Unit 3 : Computation of income under different heads—Profits and gains of business or profession; Capital gains, Income from other sources.
    • Unit 4 : Total income and Tax computation—Income of other persons included in assessee’s total income. Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses, Deductions from gross total income, Rebates and reliefs.
    • Unit 5 : Computation of total income of individuals; Tax liability of an individual.

    St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi

    Objective : To provide basic knowledge and equip students with application of principles and provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961.

    • Unit I : Basic concept : Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, Permanent Account Number (PAN). Residential status; Scope of total income on the basis of residential status & Tax liability.
    • Unit II : Exempted income under section 10. Computation of income under different heads  Salaries.
    • Unit III : Income from house property. Computation of income under different heads—Profits and gains of business or profession; Capital gains.
    • Unit IV : Income from other sources. Total income and tax computation—Deductions from gross total income; Rebates and reliefs; Computation of total income of individuals; Tax liability of an individuals.
    • Unit V : Preparation of return of income—Manually and procedure of filing E-return, TDS, Procedure of Assessment and types of assessment. Powers and functions of Income Tax Authorities in India.

    Kolhan University, Chaibasa

    • Unit I : Basic concept : Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, maximum marginal rate of tax. Permanent Account Number (PAN), Residential status, scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.
    • Unit II : Computation of income under different heads—Salaries, Income from house property, Profits and Gains of business or professions; Capital gains, Income from other sources.
    • Unit III : Total Income and Tax Computation—Income of other person included in assessee’s total income. Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses, Deduction from gross total income, Rebates and reliefs, Compensation of total income of individuals and firms, Tax liability of an individual.
    • Unit IV : Preparation of return of income—Manually, On-line filling of return of income and TDS, Provision and Procedure of Compulsory On-Line filing of returns for specified assesses.

    Jamshedpur Women’s College, Jamshedpur

    • Unit 1 : Introduction—Basic Concept : Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, maximum marginal rate of tax; Permanent Account Number (PAN). Residential status : Scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.
    • Unit 2 : Computation of income under different heads-1—Income from Salaries, Income from house property.
    • Unit 3 : Computation of income under different heads-2—Profits and gains of business or profession; Capital gains, Income from other sources.
    • Unit 4 : Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability—Income of other persons included in assesses total income; Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses; Deduction from gross total income; Rebates and reliefs; Computation of total income of individuals; Tax liability of an individuals.
    • Unit 5 : Preparation of Return of Income—Filing of returns : Manually, On-Line filing of Returns of Income and TDS; Provision & Procedures of Compulsory On-Line filing of returns for specified assesses.

    Sido Kanhu Murmu University, Dumka

    • Unit I : Basic Concept : Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, maximum marginal rate of tax. Permanent Account Number (PAN), Residential status, scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.
    • Unit II : Computation of income under different heads—Salaries, Income from house property.
    • Unit III : Computation of income under different heads—Profits and Gains of business or profession; Capital gains, Income from other sources.
    • Unit IV : Total Income and Tax Computation—Income of other persons included in assessee’s total income, Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses, Deduction from gross total income, Rebates and reliefs, Computation of total income of individuals and firms : (a) Tax liability of an individual and firm, (b) Five leading cases of Supreme Court.
    • Unit V : Preparation of return of income—Manually, On-line filling of return of income and TDS, Provision and Procedure of Compulsory On-Line filing of returns for specified assesses.

    Note : There shall be a practical examination of 20 Marks on e-filing of Income Tax Returns using a software utility tool. The student is required fill appropriate form and generate the XML file.

    Income Tax Law and Practice आयकर विधि एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-2024 विषय-सूची

    1. आयकर (विषय-प्रवेश तथा महत्वपूर्ण परिभाषाएं)
    2. कृषि आय
    3. निवास-स्थान तथा कर-दायित्व (प्रभार का आधार)
    4. कर से छूटें (गैर-करयोग्य आयें)
    5. वेतन से आय
    6. वेतन (अवकाश ग्रहण) से आय
    7. मकान-सम्पत्ति से आय
    8. व्यापार अथवा पेशे के लाभ एवं प्राप्तियां
    9. कतिपय व्यापार या पेशे की आय का अनुमनित आधार पर निर्धारण
    10. ह्रास एवं विनियोग भत्ता
    11. पूंजी लाभ
    12. अन्य साधनों से आय
    13. आय का मिलाना तथा आय का संकलन या मानी गई आयें 
    14. हानियों की पूर्ति एवं उन्हें आगे ले जाना
    15. कुल आय की गणना करने के लिए सकल कुल आय में से की जाने वाली कटौतियां
    16. व्यक्तियों की कुल आय की गणना
    17. व्यक्तियों के कर दायित्व की गणना
    18. कर में कटौती एवं राहत
    19. हिन्दू अविभाजित परिवार का कर-निर्धारण
    20. साझेदारी फर्म का कर-निर्धारण
    21. व्यक्तयों का संघ या व्यक्तियों का समूह का कर-निर्धारण
    22. आयकर प्राधिकारी
    23. आय क रिटर्न तैयार करना एवं दाखिल करना
    24. कर-निर्धारण की कार्यविधि 
    25. उद्गम स्थान पर कर की कटौती तथा कर का संग्रह
    26. कर का अग्रिम भुगतान
    27. कर की वसूली एवं वापसी
    28. विवाद समाधान समिति
    29. अपील तथा पुनर्विचार
    30. अर्थ-दण्ड
    31. अभियोजन के लिए उत्तरदारी जुर्म
    32. व्यक्तियों के लिए कर नियोजन (विभिन्न शीर्षकों के अन्तर्गत कर नियोजन)
    33. वैकल्पिक कर-व्यवस्था (व्यक्तियों और हिन्दू अविभाजित परिवारों की आय पर कर)

    The post आयकर विधि एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-24 (Income Tax Law & Practice A.Y 2023-24) appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

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    Taxation Law & Accounts-II A.Y 2022-23 Wed, 29 Jul 2020 11:48:15 +0000
  • For Final Year B. Com. Degree Examination of Kerala University
  • Thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated edition incorporating the provisions of The Finance Act, 2022 and The Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended up-to-date
  • Including Significant Direct Tax Amendments up to June 2022
  • The post Taxation Law & Accounts-II A.Y 2022-23 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

     About the Taxation Law & Accounts-II A.Y 2022-23 Book

    • Largest Selling Book since 1964 and over the last 58 years of its existence, the book has established a reputation for itself as the most definitive work on the subject of income tax.
    • Even the last minute changes in the law have been incorporated in this revised edition of the book and as such it is the latest and most update book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2022-23. Further, the amendments made by the Finance Act, 2022, applicable for the Assessment Year 2022-23, have been incorporated in the book.
    • The present edition of the book has several unparalleled features which make it distinct from other available text books on Income Tax.
    • A simplified, systematic approach to the understanding of a complex subject written in a unique, simple and easy to understand language.
    • Each topic, after a theoretical exposition, is followed by illustrations to facilitate the students to master the practical application of Income Tax Law.
    • User-friendly examination-oriented style facilitating easy comprehension of each topic.
    • Solved Illustrations and Questions for exercise are largest in number in comparison to other books on income tax.
    • Unsurpassed for over 58 years. The book is trusted and relied upon for accuracy and reliability. Mistakeless printing on paper of superior quality at moderate price.
    • Questions from latest Examination Papers of various universities have been included in the revised edition of the book.
    •  At the end of each chapter, Short Answer, Objective Type and Short Numerical Questions have been added with answers.
    •  A chapter on Goods and Service Tax (G.S.T.) has been included.

    Taxation Law & Accounts-II Book Contents

    • Significant Direct Tax Amendments by the Finance Act, 2022
    1. Assessment of Hindu Undivided Families
    2. Assessment of Partnership Firms
    3. Assessment of Association of Persons or Body of Individuals
    4. Income Tax Authorities
    5. Preparation and Filing of Return of Income
    6. Assessment Procedure (Including Faceless Assessment Scheme)
    7. Deduction and Collection of Tax at Source
    8. Advance Payment of Tax
    9. Recovery and Refund of Tax
    10. Appeals and Revision
    11. Penalties
    12. Offenses and Prosecutions
    13. Mode of Acceptance or Repayment of Certain Deposits
    14. Tax Planning For Individuals (Tax Planning Under Various Heads)
    15. Assessment of Companies
    16. Interim Board of Settlement (In Place of Income Tax Settlement Commission)
    17. Board For Advance Ruling (BAR) [In Place of Authority For Advance Ruling (AAR)]
    18. Survey, Search, and Seizure
    19. Goods And Services Tax (G.S.T.)

    Wealth Tax Act, 1957

    Note: Wealth Tax has not been included in the book, since the Wealth Tax Act, 1957 has been repealed w.e.f. The assessment Year 2016-17

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    ]]> 0 12895
    कराधान सिद्धान्त एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-24 (Taxation Theory & Practice) A.Y 2023-24 Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:54:01 +0000
  • एल. एन. मिथिला विश्वविद्यालय के बी.कॉम (ऑनर्स): तृतीय वर्ष हेतु वस्तु एवं सेवा कर (G.S.T.) सहित
  • जुलाई, 2023 तक अद्यतन ‘आयकर’ पर एकमात्र प्रामाणिक पुस्तक

    The post कराधान सिद्धान्त एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-24 (Taxation Theory & Practice) A.Y 2023-24 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    कराधान सिद्धान्त एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष (Taxation Theory & Practice) A.Y 2023-24 पुस्तक के 64वां संशोधित संस्करण की प्रमुख विशेषताएं:

    • जुलाई 2023 तक अद्यतन आय कर अधिनियम, 1961 के प्रावधानों की अत्यन्त सरल भाषा में प्रामाणिक एवं विस्तृत विवेचना |
    • पुस्तक के वर्तमान संस्करण को The Finance Act, 2023, के आधार पर पूर्णत: संशोधित किया गया है।
    • वैकल्पिक कर-व्यवस्था (Alternate Tax Regime) पर एक नया अध्याय पुस्तक में सम्मिलित किया गया है |
    • पुस्तक में पाठ्यक्रमानुसार ”माल एवं सेवा कर” (G.S.T.) पर नवीनतम सामग्री का समावेश किया गया है, जो इस पुस्तक की अद्वितीय विशेषता है
    • जुलाई 2023 तक निर्गत Circulars तथा Notifications का यथास्थान समावेश |
    • अध्यायों के अन्त में सम्पूर्ण अध्याय का संक्षेप (Summary) तथा विभिन्न अध्यायों में अनेक नई तालिकाओं (Tables) का समावेश |
    • त्रुटिरहित सुन्दर एवं स्पष्ट मुद्रण
    • अन्य पुस्तकों की अपेक्षा सबसे अधिक हल सहित उदाहरण (Illustrations) तथा अभ्यासार्थ प्रश्न (Questions) उत्तर सहित
    • अभ्यासार्थ प्रश्नों के पूर्ण हल Practical Problems in Income Tax पुस्तक में दिए हुए हैं।
    • प्रत्येक अध्याय के अन्त में लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न, वैकल्पिक प्रश्न तथा लघु अंकीय प्रश्नों समावेश उत्तर सहित किया गया है।

    कराधान सिद्धान्त एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-24 (Taxation Theory & Practice) A.Y 2023-24 Book विषय-सूची

    1. आयकर (विषय-प्रवेश तथा महत्वपूर्ण परिभाषाएं)
    2. कृषि आय
    3. निवास-स्थान तथा कर-दायित्व (प्रभार का आधार)
    4. कर से छूटें (गैर-कारयोग्य आयें)
    5. वेतन से आय
    6. वेतन (अवकाश ग्रहण) से आय
    7. मकान-सम्पत्ति से आय
    8. व्यापार अथवा पेशे के लाभ एवं प्राप्तियां
    9. कतिपय व्यापार या पेशे की आय का अनुमानित आधार पर निर्धारण
    10. ह्रास एवं विनियोग भत्ता
    11. पूंजी लाभ
    12. अन्य साधनों से आय
    13. आय का मिलाना तथा आय का संकलन मानी गई आयें
    14. हानियों की पूर्ति एवं उन्हें आगे ले जाना
    15. कुल आय की गणना करने के लिए सकल कुल आय में से की जाने वाली कटौतियां
    16. व्यक्तियों की कुल आय की गणना
    17. व्यक्तियों के कर दायित्व की गणना
    18. आयकर प्राधिकारी
    19. आय की विवरणी (रिटर्न) तैयार करना एवं दाखिल करना
    20. वैकल्पिक कर-व्यवस्था (व्यक्तियों और हिन्दू अविभाजित परिवारों की आय पर कर)

    वस्तु एवं सेवा कर (Goods and Services Tax G.S.T.)

    1. वस्तु एवं सेवा कर (जी. एस. टी.)
    2. जी. एस. टी. के अन्तर्गत पंजीयन प्रक्रिया
    3. जी. एस. टी. के अधीन करारोपण व्यवस्था

    The post कराधान सिद्धान्त एवं व्यवहार कर-निर्धारण वर्ष 2023-24 (Taxation Theory & Practice) A.Y 2023-24 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    ]]> 0 12885
    Income Tax Taxation Law For B.Com Semester V And VI | A.Y. 2024-25 | Edition 65th) Tue, 28 Jul 2020 11:56:55 +0000
  • हरियाणा के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों द्वारा बी. कॉम. एवं बी. कॉम. (ऑनर्स) Sem. V And Vi  हेतु Recommended पुस्तक
  • The post Income Tax Taxation Law For B.Com Semester V And VI | A.Y. 2024-25 | Edition 65th) appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    आयकर कराधान विधि Income Tax (Taxation Law) पुस्तक के 64वां संशोधित संस्करण की प्रमुख विशेषताएं :

    • जुलाई 2024 तक अद्यतन आय कर अधिनियम, 1961 के प्रावधानों की अत्यन्त सरल भाषा में प्रामाणिक एवं विस्तृत विवेचना |
    • पुस्तक के वर्तमान संस्करण को The Finance Act, 2024, के आधार पर पूर्णत: संशोधित किया गया है।
    • वैकल्पिक कर-व्यवस्था (Alternate Tax Regime) पर एक नया अध्याय पुस्तक में सम्मिलित किया गया है |
    • जुलाई 2024 तक निर्गत Circulars तथा Notifications का यथास्थान समावेश |
    • अध्यायों के अन्त में सम्पूर्ण अध्याय का संक्षेप (Summary) तथा विभिन्न अध्यायों में अनेक नई तालिकाओं (Tables) का समावेश |
    • त्रुटिरहित सुन्दर एवं स्पष्ट मुद्रण
    • अन्य पुस्तकों की अपेक्षा सबसे अधिक हल सहित उदाहरण (Illustrations) तथा अभ्यासार्थ प्रश्न (Questions) उत्तर सहित
    • अभ्यासार्थ प्रश्नों के पूर्ण हल Practical Problems in Income Tax पुस्तक में दिए हुए हैं।
    • प्रत्येक अध्याय के अन्त में लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न, वैकल्पिक प्रश्न तथा लघु अंकीय प्रश्नों समावेश उत्तर सहित किया गया है।

    The post Income Tax Taxation Law For B.Com Semester V And VI | A.Y. 2024-25 | Edition 65th) appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    ]]> 0 12881
    Taxation Theory & Practice (Including G.S.T.) Tue, 28 Jul 2020 10:55:48 +0000
  • For B.Com (Hons) III Year of L. N. Mithila University as per New Syllabus
  • Thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated edition Incorporating the provisions of The Finance Act, 2023 and The Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended up-to-date
  • The Legal position as amended up to June 2023 is given. Most up-to-date and authentic book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2023-24
  • The post Taxation Theory & Practice (Including G.S.T.) appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    Salient Features of 64th Edition of the book:

    • Largest Selling Book since 1964 and over the last 59 years of its existence, the book has established a reputation for itself as the most definitive work on the subject of income tax.
    • Even the last minute changes in the law have been incorporated in this revised edition of the book and as such it is the latest and most update book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2023-24. Further, the amendments made by the Finance Act, 2022 and the Finance Act, 2023, applicable for the Assessment Year 2023-24, have been incorporated in the book.
    •  The present edition of the book has several unparalleled features which make it distinct from other available text books on Income Tax.
    •  A simplified, systematic approach to the understanding of a complex subject written in a unique, simple and easy to understand language.
    •  Each topic, after a theoretical exposition, is followed by illustrations to facilitate the students to master the practical application of Income Tax Law.
    • User-friendly examination-oriented style facilitating easy comprehension of each topic.
    • Solved Illustrations and Questions for exercise are largest in number in comparison to other books on income tax.
    • Unsurpassed for over 59 years. The book is trusted and relied upon for accuracy and reliability. Mistakeless printing on paper of superior quality at moderate price.
    • Questions from latest Examination Papers of various universities have been included in the revised edition of the book.
    • At the end of each chapter, Short Answer, Objective Type and Short Numerical Questions have been added with answers.
    • Chapters on G.S.T. have been incorporated in the book as per new syllabus.

    Taxation: Theory and Practice Book Contents

    1. Income Tax : Introduction and Important Definitions
    2. Agricultural Income
    3. Residence and Tax Liability (Basis of Charge)
    4. Exemptions from Tax (Non-taxable Income)
    5. Income from Salaries
    6. Income from Salaries (Retirement)
    7. Income from House Property
    8. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession
    9. Determination of Income of Certain Business or Profession on a Presumptive Basis
    10. Depreciation and Investment Allowance
    11. Capital Gains
    12. Income from Other Sources
    13. Clubbing of Incomes and Aggregation of Incomes or Deemed Incomes
    14. Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses
    15. Deductions to be Made from Gross Total Income while Computing Total Income
    16. Computation of Total Income of Individuals
    17. Computation of Tax Liability of Individuals
    18. Rebate and Relief of Tax
    19. Income Tax Authorities
    20. Preparation and Filing of Return of Income
    21. Assessment Procedure

    Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.)

    1. Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.)
    2. Registration Process Under G.S.T.
    3. Taxation Mechanism Under G.S.T.

    The post Taxation Theory & Practice (Including G.S.T.) appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    ]]> 0 12876
    Income Tax Law & Practice Assessment Year 2023-24 Tue, 28 Jul 2020 10:04:41 +0000
  • The only book on Income Tax incorporating amendments effective from 1st October, 2023
  • Thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated edition Incorporating the provisions of The Finance Act, 2023 and The Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended up-to-date
  • Including Significant Direct Tax Amendments upto October 2023
  • for Various Universities of Jharkhand
  • The post Income Tax Law & Practice Assessment Year 2023-24 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    About Income Tax Law & Practice Book

    • Largest Selling Book since 1964 and over the last 59 years of its existence, the book has established a reputation for itself as the most definitive work on the subject of income tax.
    • Even the last-minute changes in the law have been incorporated in this revised edition of the book and as such it is the latest and most updated book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2023-24. Further, the amendments made by the Finance Act, 2022, and the Finance Act, 2023, applicable for the Assessment Year 2023-24, have been incorporated in the book.
    • The present edition of the book has several unparalleled features that make it distinct from other available textbooks on Income Tax.
    • A simplified, systematic approach to the understanding of a complex subject written in a unique, simple, and easy-to-understand language.
    • Each topic, after a theoretical exposition, is followed by illustrations to facilitate the students to master the practical application of Income Tax Law.
    • User-friendly examination-oriented style facilitating easy comprehension of each topic.
    • Solved Illustrations and Questions for exercise are the largest in number in comparison to other books on income tax.
    • Unsurpassed for over 59 years. The book is trusted and relied upon for accuracy and reliability. Mistakeless printing on paper of superior quality at a moderate price.
    • At the end of each chapter, Short Answer, Objective Type and Short Numerical Questions have been added with answers.

    Income Tax Law & Practice Assessment Year 2023-24 Book Syllabus 

    Core Course- C6: Income Tax Law and Practice B.Com (Hons.) Semester III Ranchi University, Ranchi & Nilamber Pitamber University, Medininagar

    Unit 1: Basic concept: Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, a maximum marginal rate of tax. Permanent Account Number (PAN), Residential status: Scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.

    Unit 2: Computation of income under different heads-Salaries, Income from House Property.

    Unit 3: Computation of income under different heads-Profits and gains of business or profession; Capital gains, Income from other sources.

    Unit 4: Total income and Tax computation – Income of other persons included in assessee’s total income. Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses, Deduction from gross total income, Rebates, and reliefs.

    Unit 5: Computation of total income of individuals; Tax liability of an individual.

    Paper 3.2: Income Tax Law and Practice B.Com (Hons.) Semester III St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi

    Unit I: Basic concept: Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, Permanent Account Number (PAN). Residential status; Scope of total income on the basis of residential status.

    Unit II: Exempted income under section 10. Computation of income under different heads-Salaries.

    Unit III: income from house property. Computation of income under different heads – Profits and gains of business or profession; Capital gains.

    Unit IV: Income from other sources. Total income and tax computation-Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses; Deduction from gross total income; Rebates and reliefs; Computation of total income of individuals; Tax liability of an individual.

    Unit V: Preparation of return of income—Manually; On-line filing of Returns of Income & TDS; Provision & Procedures of Compulsory On-Line filing of returns for specified assesses, Procedure of Assessment and types of assessment.

    Paper code-BCH 3.2: Income Tax Law and Practice B.Com (Hons.) Semester III Kolhan University

    Unit I: Basic concept: Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, a maximum marginal rate of tax. Permanent Account Number (PAN), Residential status, the scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.

    Unit II: Computation of income under different heads- salaries, Income from house property, Profits and Gains of business or profession; Capital gains, Income from other sources.

    Unit III: Total Income and Tax Computation-Income of other persons included in assessee’s total income. Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses, Deduction from gross total income, Rebates and reliefs, Computation of total income of individuals and firms, the Tax liability of an individual.

    Unit IV: Preparation of return of income-Manually, Online filling of return of income and TDS, Provision and Procedure of Compulsory On-Line filing of returns for specified assesses.

    Paper-332: Income Tax Law and Practice B.Com (Hons.) Semester III Jamshedpur Women’s College

    Unit 1: Introduction—Basic Concept: Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, total income, a maximum marginal rate of tax; Permanent Account Number (PAN). Residential status: Scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.

    Unit 2: Computation of income under different heads-1-Income from Salaries, Income from house property.

    Unit 3: Computation of income under different heads-2-Profits and gains of business or profession; Capital gains, Income from other sources.

    Unit 4: Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability-Income of other persons included in assessee’s total income; Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses; Deduction from gross total income; Rebates and reliefs; Computation of total income of individuals and firms; Tax liability of an individuals and a firm; GST-Format & Computing Process.

    Unit 5: Preparation of Return of Income-Filing of returns: Manually, On-Line filing of Returns of Income and TDS, Provision and Procedure of Compulsory On-Line filing of returns for specified assesses.

    Paper code-332: Income Tax Law and Practice B.Com (Hons.) Semester III Sido Kanhu Murmu University Dumka (SKMU)

    Unit I: Basic Concept: Income, agricultural income, person, assessee, assessment year, previous year, gross total income, a maximum marginal rate of tax. Permanent Account Number (PAN), Residential status, the scope of total income on the basis of residential status, Exempted income under section 10.

    Unit II: Computation of income under different headsSalaries, Income from house property.

    Unit III: Computation of income under different heads-Profits and Gains of business or profession; Capital gains, Income from other sources.

    Unit IV: Total Income and Tax Computation-Income of other persons included in assessee’s total income, Aggregation of income and set-off and carry forward of losses, Deduction from gross total income, Rebates and reliefs, Computation of total income of individuals and firms : (a) Tax liability of an individuals and firm, (b) Five leading cases of Supreme Court.

    Unit V: Preparation of return of income-Manually, Online filling of return of income and TDS, Provision and Procedure of Compulsory On-Line filing of returns for specified assesses.

    Income Tax Law & Practice Assessment Year 2023-24 Book Contents 

    ❐ Salient Features Of The Finance Act, 2023

    1. Income Tax: Introduction And Important Definitions
    2. Agricultural Income
    3. Residence And Tax Liability (Basis Of Charge)
    4. Exemptions From Tax (Non-Taxable Income)
    5. Income From Salaries
    6. Income From Salaries (Retirement)
    7. Income From House Property
    8. Profits And Gains Of Business Or Profession
    9. Determination Of Income Of Certain Business Or Profession On A Presumptive Basis
    10. Depreciation And Investment Allowance
    11. Capital Gains
    12. Income From Other Sources
    13. Clubbing Of Incomes And Aggregation Of Incomes Or Deemed Incomes
    14. Set-Off And Carry Forward Of Losses
    15. Deductions To Be Made From Gross Total Income While Computing Total Income
    16. Computation Of Total Income Of Individuals
    17. Computation Of Tax Liability Of Individuals
    18. Rebate And Relief Of Tax
    19. Assessment Of Hindu Undivided Families
    20. Assessment Of Partnership Firms
    21. Assessment Of Association Of Persons Or Body Of Individuals
    22. Income Tax Authorities
    23. Preparation And Filing Of Return Of Income
    24. Assessment Procedure
    25. Deduction And Collection Of Tax At Source
    26. Advance Payment Of Tax
    27. Recovery And Refund Of Tax
    28. Dispute Resolution Committee
    29. Appeals And Revision
    30. Penalties
    31. Offenses Liable To Prosecution
    32. Mode Of Acceptance Or Repayment Of Loans Or Deposits
    33. Tax Planning For Individuals (Tax Planning Under Various Heads)
    34. Alternate Tax Regime (Tax On Income Of Individuals And Hufs)
    35. Capital and Revenue
      ❐ Section-Wise Index

    The post Income Tax Law & Practice Assessment Year 2023-24 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    ]]> 0 12870
    Income Tax Law & Practice A.Y 2023-24 Mon, 27 Jul 2020 11:49:15 +0000
  • For B.Com & B.Com (Hons.) III Year of Various University of Madhya Pradesh & B.B.A IVth Semester of Jiwaji University 
  • The legal position as amended up to July 2023 is given. Most up-to-date and authentic book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2023-24.
  • Thoroughly revised, enlarged, and updated edition incorporating the provisions of The Finance Act, 2023 and The Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended up-to-date
  • 64th Edition
  • The post Income Tax Law & Practice A.Y 2023-24 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    64th Edition of Income Tax Law & Practice Assessment Year 2023-24 Book

    • Largest Selling Book since 1964 and over the last 59 years of its existence, the book has established a reputation for itself as the most definitive work on the subject of income tax.
    • Even the last minute changes in the law have been incorporated in this revised edition of the book and as such it is the latest and most update book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2023-24. Further, the
      amendments made by the Finance Act, 2022 and the Finance Act, 2023, applicable for the Assessment Year 2023-24, have been incorporated in the book.
    • The present edition of the book has several unparalleled features which make it distinct from other available text books on Income Tax.
    • A simplified, systematic approach to the understanding of a complex subject written in a unique, simple and easy to understand language.
    • Each topic, after a theoretical exposition, is followed by illustrations to facilitate the students to master the practical application of Income Tax Law.
    • User-friendly examination-oriented style facilitating easy comprehension of each topic.
    • Solved Illustrations and Questions for exercise are largest in number in comparison to other books on income tax.
    • Unsurpassed for over 59 years. The book is trusted and relied upon for accuracy and reliability. Mistakeless printing on paper of superior quality at moderate price.
    • At the end of each chapter, Short Answer, Objective Type and Short Numerical Questions have been added with answers.

    Income Tax Law & Practice A.Y 2023-24 Book Syllabus

    Unit – 1: General Introduction of Indian Income Tax Act, 1961. Basic Concepts: Income, Agriculture Income, Casual Income, Previous Year, Assessment Year, Gross Total Income, Total Income, Person Assessee, Residential Status and Tax Liability, Exempted Income.

    Unit – 2: Income from Salary, Income from house property.

    Unit – 3: Income from Business and Profession, Capital Gains, Income from other sources.

    Unit – 4: Set off and Carry forward of Losses, Deductions from Gross Total Income, Clubbing of income, Computation of Total Income, and Tax Liability of an Individual.

    Unit – 5: Assessment Procedure, Tax deduction at Source, Advance Payment of Tax, Income Tax Authorities, Appeal, Revision, and Penalties.

    Income Tax Law & Practice Assessment Year 2023-24 Book Contents

    1. Income Tax: Introduction and Important Definitions
    2. Agricultural Income
    3. Residence and Tax Liability (Basis of Charge)
    4. Exemptions from Tax (Non-Taxable Income)
    5. Income from Salaries
    6. Income from Salaries (Retirement)
    7. Income from House Property
    8. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession
    9. Determination of Income of Certain Business or Profession on Presumptive Basis
    10. Depreciation and Investment Allowance
    11. Capital Gains
    12. Income from other Sources
    13. Clubbing of Incomes and Aggregation of Incomes or Deemed Incomes 
    14. Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses
    15. Deductions to be made from Gross Total Income while Computing Total Income
    16. Computation of Total Income of Individuals
    17. Computation of Tax Liability of Individuals
    18. Rebate and Relief of Tax
    19. Income Tax Authorities
    20. Preparation and Filing of Return of Income
    21. Assessment Procedure
    22. Deduction and Collection of Tax at Source
    23. Advance Payment of Tax
    24. Recovery and Refund of Tax
    25. Dispute Resolution Committee
    26. Appeals and Revision
    27. Penalties
    28. Offences Liable and Prosecutions
    29. Mode of Acceptance or Repayment of Certain Deposits
    30. Tax Planning for Individuals (Tax Planning Under Various Heads)
    31. Alternate Tax Regime (Tax on Income of Individuals and HUFs)

    The post Income Tax Law & Practice A.Y 2023-24 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    ]]> 3 12857
    Income Tax (Taxation Law) A.Y 2024-25 Sat, 25 Jul 2020 10:01:27 +0000
  • The legal position as amended up to July 2024 is given. Most up-to-date and authentic book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2024-25
  • Thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated edition Incorporating the provisions of The Finance Act, 2024 and The Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended up-to-date
  • The post Income Tax (Taxation Law) A.Y 2024-25 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    Salient Features of the Income Tax (Taxation Law) A.Y 2024-25 Book:

    • Largest Selling Book since 1964 and over the last 60 years of its existence, the book has established a reputation for itself as the most definitive work on the subject of income tax.
    • Even the last minute changes in the law have been incorporated in this revised edition of the book and as such it is the latest and most update book on Income Tax for the Assessment Year 2024-25. Further, the amendments made by the Finance Act, 2023 and the Finance Act, 2024, applicable for the Assessment Year 2024-25, have been incorporated in the book.
    • The present edition of the book has several unparalleled features which make it distinct from other available text books on Income Tax.
    • A simplified, systematic approach to the understanding of a complex subject written in a unique, simple and easy to understand language.
    • Each topic, after a theoretical exposition, is followed by illustrations to facilitate the students to master the practical application of Income Tax Law.
    • User-friendly examination-oriented style facilitating easy comprehension of each topic.
    • Solved Illustrations and Questions for exercise are largest in number in comparison to other books on income tax.
    • Unsurpassed for over 60 years. The book is trusted and relied upon for accuracy and reliability. Mistakeless printing on paper of superior quality at moderate price.
    • At the end of each chapter, Short Answer, Objective Type and Short Numerical Questions have been added with answers.
    • A unique feature of the revised edition is that Section-wise Index has been incorporated.

    Income Tax (Taxation Law) A.Y 2024-25 Book Contents

    ❐ Salient Features of the Finance Act, 2024

    1. Income Tax : Introduction And Important Definitions
    2. Agricultural Income
    3. Residence And Tax Liability (Basis Of Charge)
    4. Exemptions From Tax (Tax-Free Income)
    5. Income From Salaries
    6. Income From Salaries (Taxability of Retirement Benefits)
    7. Income From House Property
    8. Profits And Gains Of Business Or Profession
    9. Determination Of Income Of Certain Business Or Profession On A Presumptive Basis
    10. Depreciation And Investment Allowance
    11. Capital Gains
    12. Income From Other Sources
    13. Clubbing Of Incomes And Aggregation Of Incomes Or Deemed Incomes
    14. Set-Off or Carry Forward And Set-off Of Losses
    15. Deductions  From Gross Total Income While Computing Total Income
    16. Computation Of Total Income Of Individuals
    17. Computation Of Tax Liability Of Individuals
    18. Rebate And Relief Of Tax
    19. Assessment Of Hindu Undivided Families
    20. Assessment Of Partnership Firms/ LLPs And Their Partners
    21. Assessment Of Association Of Persons Or Body Of Individuals
    22. Income Tax Authorities
    23. Preparation And Filing Of Return Of Income
    24. Assessment Procedure
    25. Deduction And Collection Of Tax At Source
    26. Advance Payment Of Tax
    27. Recovery And Refund Of Tax
    28. Dispute Resolution Committee
    29. Appeals And Revision
    30. Mode Of Acceptance Or Repayment Of Loans Or Deposits
    31. Penalties
    32. Offences Liable To Prosecution
    33. Tax Planning For Individuals (Tax Planning Under Various Heads)
    34. Capital And Revenue

    The post Income Tax (Taxation Law) A.Y 2024-25 appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

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