Prof. N. Gupta & Prof. P Mahajan Archives - Sahitya Bhawan Publications Sahitya Bhawan Publications Mon, 08 Jan 2024 12:21:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Prof. N. Gupta & Prof. P Mahajan Archives - Sahitya Bhawan Publications 32 32 Communication Skills Fri, 28 Sep 2018 12:00:26 +0000
  • For B.B.A. I Year of Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Barkatullah University, Devi Ahilya University, Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Jiwaji University, Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Vikram University (Under New Education Policy, 2020)
  • Latest Edition 2022
  • The post Communication Skills appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    The Communication Skills book has been prepared strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus of B.B.A. Ist Year of various universities of Madhya Pradesh.

    It gives us immense pleasure to present the Communication Skills  Communication is a subject which is attracting the attention of everyone involved in business and industry in one way or the other. There is manifest of growing desire to understand its meaning and scope, its process and the component and to learn to communicate effectively. Communication Skills book is designed to meet this urge.

    Communication Skills Book Contents

    1. Communication (Meaning, Objectives, Models and Theories)
    2. Channels/Dimensions/Directions and Media/Means of Communication
    3. Formal and Informal Communication
    4. Inter-Personal Behaviour: Transactional Analysis
    5. Non-Verbal Communication
    6. Barriers to Communication, Facilitators to Communication
    7. Principles of Effective Communication and Audience Analysis
    8. Listening Skills or Effective Listening
    9. Swot Analysis and Self-Development
    10. Development of Positive Personal Attitudes, Model of Interdependence
    11. Whole Communication and Corporate Communication
    12. Speeches/Oral Presentation
    13. Interview and Mock Interviews
    14. Individual & Group Presentations (Discussion)
    15. Conferences and Seminar
    16. Written Communication
    17. Dictation, Reading, Effective Writing Skills
    18. Business Letter Writing
    19. Letters Regarding Enquiries, Quotations and Orders
    20. Letters Regarding Trade Reference
    21. Letters of Complaint
    22. Dunning, Sales and Circular Letters
    23. Agency Letters
    24. Letters of Introduction and Credit and Follow-Up Letters
    25. Correspondence With Banks, Insurance Companies and Editors
    26. Advertisement For a Job (Application For a Job, Resume Writing, Interview Letters and Appointment Letters)
    27. Personal or Social Correspondence
    28. Official Correspondence: General
    29. Examples of Official Letters
    30. Report Writing
    31. Notices, Agenda And Minutes of Meetings 
    32. Modern Techniques of Communication
    33. International Communication
    34. Perception and Reality
    35. Role of Opinions, Attitudes and Beliefs
    36. Mal-Functions of Communication
    37. Business Communication Etiquettes
    38. Peculiarities of Communication in Indian Organizations
    39. Organizational Communication (Meaning, Effectiveness and Its Types)
    40. Press Release
    41. Time Management in Meetings
    42. Persuasive Letters
    43. Technology of Business Communication

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    Business Communication Sat, 14 Oct 2017 05:22:00 +0000 Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University
    Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh, Ranchi University, Ranchi
    For B.Com (Hons) CBCS

    The post Business Communication appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

  • It gives us immense pleasure to present the third enlarged and revised edition of the book ‘Business Communication’. The present book has been revised strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus of Foundation Course B.Com. (Hons.) of Ranchi University, Ranchi and Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribabh.
  • The unique feature of the book is that topics under the Unit IV Vocabulary have been incorporated in the book with sufficient examples.
  • Communication is a subject which is attracting the attention of everyone involved in business and industry in one way or the other. There is manifest of growing desire to understand its meaning and scope, its process and the component and to learn to communicate effectively. This book is designed to meet this urge.
  • The further highlights of the book are simplicity of explanation combined with a style that ensures easy understanding. We in this book have tried to put the subject-matter in such a way that the students get the feeling of live teacher is interacting with them. In fact, this book is a modest attempt to help young students for understanding this fascinating subject in a systematic manner with lucid exposition of its different facets but in a simple language. The approach has been to enable the students to express their ideas logically.
  • Efforts have been made to incorporate the latest material available on different topics. While writing this book, authors had an opportunity of referring to many Indian and foreign books on the subject. We are grateful to all these authors for any good influence that might reflect in our work.
  • The post Business Communication appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

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    Business Communication Mon, 09 Oct 2017 11:45:18 +0000
  • For BBA, B.Com., MBA & M.Com Classes of Various Universities of India
  • Latest Edition 2024
  • The post Business Communication appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

    It gives us immense pleasure to present the fourth enlarged and revised edition of the book Business Communication.The present Business Communication book has been revised strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus of B.Com, B.C.A., B.B.A., M.B.A. of various universities.

    In the revised edition following New Chapters have been included:

    • Perception and Reality
    • Role of Opinions, Attitudes and Beliefs
    • Mal-Functions of Communication
    • Business Communication Etiquettes
    • Peculiarities of Communication in Indian Organizations
    • Organizational Communication (Meaning, Effectiveness and Its Types)
    • Press Release
    • Time Management in Meetings
    • Persuasive Letters
    • Technology of Business Communication

    Communication is a subject which is attracting the attention of everyone involved in business and industry in one way or the other. There is manifest of growing desire to understand its meaning and scope, its process and the component and to learn to communicate effectively. This book is designed to meet this urge.

    The further highlights of the book are the simplicity of explanation combined with a style that ensures easy understanding. We in this book have tried to put the subject-matter in such a way that the students get the feeling of a live teacher is interacting with them. In fact, this book is a modest attempt to help young students for understanding this fascinating subject in a systematic manner with a lucid exposition of its different facets but in a simple language. The approach has been to enable the students to express their ideas logically.

    Business Communication Book Contents

    1. Communication (Meaning, Objectives, Models and Theories)
    2. Channels/Dimensions/Directions and Media/Means of Communication
    3. Formal and Informal Communication
    4. Inter-Personal Behaviour: Transactional analysis
    5. Non-Verbal Communication
    6. Barriers to Communication, Facilitators to Communication
    7. Principles of Effective Communication and Audience Analysis
    8. Listening Skills or Effective Listening
    9. Swot analysis and Self-Development
    10. Development of Positive Personal attitudes, Model of Interdependence
    11. Whole Communication and Corporate Communication
    12. Speeches/Oral Presentation
    13. Interview and Mock Interviews
    14. Individual & Group Presentations (Discussion)
    15. Conferences and Seminar
    16. Written Communication
    17. Dictation, Reading, Effective Writing Skills
    18. Business Letter Writing
    19. Letters Regarding Enquiries, Quotations and Orders
    20. Letters Regarding Trade Reference
    21. Letters of Complaint
    22. Dunning, Sales and Circular Letters
    23. Agency Letters
    24. Letters of Introduction and Credit and Follow-Up Letters
    25. Correspondence with Banks, Insurance Companies and Editors
    26. Advertisement for a Job (application for a Job, Resume Writing, Interview Letters and Appointment Letters)
    27. Personal or Social Correspondence
    28. Official Correspondence: General
    29. Examples of official Letters
    30. Report Writing
    31. Notices, agenda, Minutes of Meetings & Chairman’S Speech
    32. Modern Techniques of Communication
    33. International Communication
    34. Perception and Reality
    35. Role of Opinions, attitudes and Beliefs
    36. Malfunctions of Communication
    37. Business Communication Etiquettes
    38. Peculiarities of Communication in Indian Organizations
    39. Organizational Communication (Meaning, Effectiveness and its Types)
    40. Press Release
    41. Time Management in Meetings
    42. Persuasive Letters
    43. Technology of Business Communication

    The post Business Communication appeared first on Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

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