The Cost Accounting Book has been published according to the syllabi of B.Com Vth Semester of Kurukshetra University, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, B.Com (Hons.) IIIrd Semester of Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak.
In this revised edition, several new Illustrations (solved) of real worth have been added and questions graded. All the chapters have been closely screened and revised to make the book utility-oriented in a larger measure.
The Illustrations and Practical Questions have been given Topic-wise, graded from easy to difficult. The students of elementary studies may select easy questions Topic-wise and leave difficult ones.
The following chapters have been thoroughly revised :
- Unit or Output Costing-I (Cost Sheet, Cost Statement, and Production Account)
- Contract Costing (Including AS-7)
- Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts.
Cost Accounting Book Content
1. Cost Accounting: An Introduction
2. Cost: Elements, Concepts, And Classification (As Per Cas-1)
3. Material Cost Accounting (Including Material Purchase And Issue Pricing)
4. Material/Inventory Cost Control: Concept And Techniques (Including Treatment Of Material Losses)
5. Labour Cost Accounting Labour Turnover, Idle Time, And Overtime (In The Context Of Cas-7)
6. Methods Of Wage Payment (Including Incentive Schemes)
7. Accounting For Overheads: Classification And Treatment
8. Overheads: Allocation, Apportionment (Departmentalisation) And Absorption (In The Context Of Cas
9. Machine Hour Rate Method
10. Unit Or Output Costing-I (Cost Sheet, Cost Statement And Production Account)
11. Unit Or Output Costing-Ii (Calculation Of Estimates, Tender And Quotation Price)
12. Contract Costing (Including As-7)
13. Job And Batch Costing
14. Process Costing (Including Joint Products And By-Products)
15. Process Costing : Inter-Process Profits
16. Process Costing : Equivalent Production
17. Reconciliation Of Cost And Financial Accounts
18. Service Costing (Operating Costing)
19. Cost Control Accounts : Non-Integrated And Integrated
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