प्रस्तुत पुस्तक की रचना रांची विश्वविद्यालय, रांची के बी.ए. राजनीति विज्ञान सेमेस्टर प्रथम के लिए निर्धारित नवीन पाठ्यक्रम (सत्र 2022-23 से प्रभावी) को पूर्णतया दृष्टि में हुए की गई है |
राजनीतिक सिद्धान्त (Political Theory) Syllabus For B.A Ist Semester of Ranchi University
Course Objectives :
1. The course has been designed to introduce key concepts in politics to the students to sharpen their understanding of political discourses and the ability to make the scientific enquiry into the political phenomenon and political questions.
2. Diverse traditions and approaches have been included in the scheme of teaching to make understanding comprehensive and insightful.
3. Contemporary debates on key concepts and theories like changing role of state in the era of globalization, power, authority, sovereignty, equality, freedom, democracy, rights and justice allow the students to understand the expanding horizons of discourses in the discipline.
Learning Outcomes :
1. Students will be able to learn key concepts needed to understand the political phenomenon.
2. They will come to know about the role and functions of Political theory.
3. They will come to know how liberal and Marxist traditions look at and understand politics.
4. They will learn what is power and how does it operate in society and politics.
5. They will be able to explain the debates on the distributive theory of justice.
6. They will come to understand and explain different theories and contemporary debates in democracy and the changing role of state in the contemporary times.
Course Content :
Unit I
1. Meaning Nature and significance of Political theory
2. Different Approaches to understanding Political Theory :
(a) Liberal tradition
(b) Marxist tradition
Unit II
1. State :
(a) Origin and development of State System
(b) Changing role of state in the era of Globalization
2. Power and Authority
3. Sovereignty – monist and pluralist
Unit III
1. Liberty and Equality
2. Justice
3. Theories and Types of Rights
Unit IV
1. Democracy :
(a) Theories of Democracy and Contemporary Debates
(b) Elitist v/s Pluralist Theory
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