- For a thorough grasp of the subject of Business Mathematics, adequate practice in the working out of numerical problems is as much an essential pre-requisite, as the understanding of its fundamental principles, concepts and conventions.
- The present book is specially designed to enable the students of B.Com. Ist Year of various universities to acquire the practice by going through a wide, variety of carefully selected, adapted and designed problems with complete solutions and detailed working and notes. Questions have been taken from the latest examination papers of the various universities of Madhya Pradesh.
Practical Problems in Business Mathematics Book विषय-सूची
- अनुपात
- त्याग अनुपात एवं लाभ-प्राप्ति अनुपात
- समानुपात
- प्रतिशतता
- कमीशन एवं दलाली
- बट्टा
- युगपत् समीकरण
- प्रारम्भिक आव्यूह
- लघुगणक एवं प्रतिलघुगणक
- साधारण ब्याज
- चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज
- माध्य
- लाभ एवं हानि
- लघुगणक सारणी
- प्रतिलघुगणक सारणी
Shreny –
Compound interest
Yashika kansana –