Specialized Accounting has been published according to the new syllabus of B.Com. examination. The main object of Specialised Accounting is to enable the students to develop awareness about Specialized Accounting in conformity with the latest provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
Salient Features of the revised edition of the Specialized Accounting Book:
- Simple language and most Systematic order explaining each and every topic at length.
- Accuracy is one of the important features of the book.
- Provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 which have direct or indirect relation with various topics of Specialised Accounting have been incorporated. Entire book has been modified as per the Companies Act, 2013.
- Chapter of Consolidated Balance Sheet of Holding Companies has been thoroughly revised and new material has been incorporated.
- The unique salient feature of this revised edition is the revision of the chapter Liquidation of Companies on the basis of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. Several new illustrations and questions based on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 have been incorporated in the chapter.
- Chapters on Accounts of Insurance Companies and Accounts of Banking Companies have been thoroughly revised and enlarged.
- Accounts of Life Insurance Companies have been added with the chapter of Accounts of Insurance Company.
- Specialised Accounting adequately satisfies the standard of B.Com. examination since the Illustrations and Questions of this book have been selected from Examination Papers of various Universities.
- Selection of practical Illustrations and Questions in each chapter and placing them in a systematic order is so reasonable, logical, orderly and scientific that even an ordinary student can acquire real, complete, thorough and up to date knowledge of the subject Corporate Accounting without any exertion on his part.
Specialised Accounting Syllabus For B.Com. (Hons.) IInd Year of Patna University
Company Accounts: Preparation of Final Accounts of a company including accounting for dividends and managerial remuneration as per Companies Act, 2013. A brief study on International Accounting Standards (IAS) and Accounting Standards (AS) of India and its convergence into I.F.R.S.Accounting for underwriting of shares.
Accounts relating to Amalgamation and reconstruction of companies, Accounts on the Liquidation of a company (voluntary and compulsory liquidation both). Holding company and subsidiary companies-Preparation of consolidated Profit & Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets. Accounts of Banking and Insurance companies,
Double Account System-Accounting for Electricity, Gas and Railway Companies.Depreciation, Reserves and provisions-their treatments-Methods of charging Depreciation.
Specialised Accounting Book Contents
- Final Accounts of Company
- Disposal of Profits (Dividend and Bonus Shares)
- Computation of Managerial Remuneration
- Accounting Standards of India [with International Accounting Standards and IFRS]
- Underwriting of Shares and Debentures
- Accounting for Amalgamation of Companies (as per AS-14)
- Reconstruction of Companies
- Liquidation of Companies (including Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016)
- Consolidated Balance Sheet of Holding Companies (with AS-21)
- Accounts of Banking Companies
- Accounts of Insurance Companies
❐ Accounts of Life Insurance Company - Double Account System: Including Electricity Supply Companies
- Concept and Accounting of Depreciation
- Provisions, Reserves and Funds
Chanchal kumari –
Chanchal kumari –
it help me a lot
Mohammed Amir –
Best advanced accounting book for 2nd yr graduation book.. (Patna university)